The 8 Social Media Marketing Strategies That You Must NOT Ignore In 2023

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You must never ignore these 8 Social Media Marketing Strategies if you want to succeed in social media marketing in 2023 and beyond.

An average user spends more than two hours every day on social media. Businesses have the opportunity to attract and convert users who are spending so much time on these platforms into paying customers. Social media marketing can assist companies in this by utilizing social media websites or apps to find new clients or leads for their business.

Nowadays, businesses are always searching for new and creative ways to attract, educate, or keep their brand’s customers on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps are all constantly changing. Your company’s social media marketing strategies must be kept up to date given the constantly changing platforms and consumer preferences.

A social media marketing strategy is an outline of all the things you want to do and accomplish on social media. It directs your activities and tells you whether or not you’re succeeding.

Your strategy will be more successful if it is more detailed. Make it brief. Don’t make it too high-brow and inclusive that it becomes impossible to achieve or quantify.

What is social media marketing?


The use of social media platforms to connect with your audience in order to promote your brand, improve sales, and drive website traffic is known as social media marketing. This includes posting high-quality content to your social media profiles, listening to and engaging with your followers, analyzing your results, and executing social media marketing.

At the moment, the most popular social media networks are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.

Businesses benefit from social media marketing in the following ways:

  • Improved Brand Awareness
  • Promote your goods and services
  • Track brand satisfaction
  • More Organic Traffic
  • Market goods and services to specific demographics.
  • Customer Support and Relationship Building
  • Monitor results and modify bigger social media marketing strategies as necessary.

Many companies engage in social media marketing without fully comprehending what is required of them.

Therefore, individuals frequently fall victim to the “trap” of blogging merely for the sake of posting. The value of this to their brand is nil.

As a result, it is crucial to develop your social media marketing strategies, the roadmap that will direct your company and enable success tracking.

What is a social media marketing strategy?

social media plan

A social media strategy is a road map outlining your overall goals and objectives. It serves as a roadmap for the daily organization and management of all of your social media marketing and posting.

Your social media plan should include information about your social media goals, the tactics you’ll use to achieve them, and the metrics you’ll track to determine your success.

Along with goals unique to each platform you use, your social media marketing strategies should include a list of all of your current and future social media accounts. The bigger digital marketing strategy of your company should be in line with these objectives.

The tasks and responsibilities of each member of your team should be outlined in your social media strategy, along with your reporting schedule.

Here are 8 simple steps to help you establish your social media marketing strategies:

1. Establish goals that are practical for your business (S.M.A.R.T. Goals)

Setting your objectives is the first stage in any effective marketing strategy.

You must have the correct goal in mind before you begin putting your social strategy into action. Before you begin creating, establish your vision. To streamline your workflow, follow the guidelines below:

Make certain that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). So, all of the aforementioned should be your social media objectives. By doing this, you may establish reliable, attainable goals.

What are you hoping to accomplish with your social media marketing campaigns? Over the next three months or six months, will there be more leads and customers? What specifically are you attempting to say? You must clearly identify your objectives so that you may go forward in the right direction.

Last but not least, be precise with your KPIs. This might involve clicks, social interaction, hashtag engagements, natural and purchased likes, and more. It’s critical to practically assess your achievable targets and adjust your advertising strategy as necessary. Your company may also set the following SMART objectives:

  • Increase your brand awareness
  • bring more people to your website
  • increasing online sales
  • improve customer support
  • Create a community centered on your brand.

My recommendation is to not put too much pressure on yourself to be successful on every social network since there are too many of them and your resources are probably limited.

2. Define your target audience

target audience

Finding out who your target market is and starting to develop your buyer personas are the next steps. Consider buyer personas to be a way of segmenting your audience based on factors like age, occupation, interests, etc.

With the help of this division, you can more precisely target their needs and preferences.

Additionally, it is essential if you want your social media following to turn into paying customers.

You can create the kind of content that will ideally draw the kind of followers you desire by knowing your target and developing buyer personas.

What good is it to provide content that doesn’t appeal to the social media users who follow your account, after all?

Avoid forming irrational assumptions, last but not least. use social media analytics.

They offer a wealth of knowledge on the traits of your audience and their interactions with your business.

Your strategy will be more effective the better you understand your target audience.

3. Decide which social media platform is best for your audience

social media platforms

Choosing which platforms you’ll distribute your content on is a key next step.

Once your target audience has been identified, you’ll be able to identify the platforms where you’re most likely to connect with them.

Never forget that there is no right or wrong decision here when choosing a social channel for your business.

It all comes down to the needs of your target market and the areas where they want to spend their time today and in the future.

“It’s better to be ahead of the curve than behind”, as HubSpot’s social media marketing manager, Andrew Delaney, so brilliantly puts it.

It could be a good idea to concentrate on one social media platform at first until you feel comfortable if you’re just getting started on social media.

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4. Research your competitors

Before you begin creating and sharing content, you should investigate how your competitors are using social media.

Discover what your competitors are doing on social media to gain an advantage. Take a good look at what they’re doing and learn from it because they most likely already are.

Looking at your competitors’ social media presence can give you a ton of useful insight into how to develop your own strategy.

  • What do they prioritize?
  • Who are they trying to get?
  • What key words do they target?
  • How is their brand’s audience responding?
  • Which hashtags are being used?

These are all illustrations of the kinds of things to look for while conducting your competitor analysis.

The idea is to improve your social media marketing campaigns based on the findings you came to, not to duplicate exactly what they’re doing.

This procedure will also enable you to recognize possibilities that may exist.

For instance, one of your competitors might be focusing all of his efforts on Facebook while maintaining a minimal or nonexistent presence on LinkedIn.

If your research suggests that your audience is also present on that social site, this can be a great chance for you.

Additionally, you stay away from direct competition on a platform where your rival already has a “strong game.”

5. Create Original and Engaging Content

Original content

Let’s move on to the main component of your social media strategy: CONTENT!

As of now, you undoubtedly have a good idea of the type of content you need to produce to engage your audience and set your company apart from the competitors.

You definitely have a fair idea of the kind of content you need to create to engage your audience and differentiate your business from the competition as of right now.

There are two social media principles you can go by to help you decide what kind of content to share if you’re beginning from scratch:

1. The thirds rule

  • One-third of your postings promote your business.
  • One-third of the postings are ideas from industry influencers,
  • And one-third is personal experiences that help you establish your brand.

2. 80/20 principle

20% of your posts can explicitly promote your brand, while the remaining 80% can inform, educate, or amuse your audience.

In order to effectively reach your audience, your content must first be of exceptional quality, interesting, and relevant. It’s more likely that your audience will interact with your articles if you produce high-quality content that keeps them informed and engaged.

Here are a few samples of content you could create:

  • Videos: Since video currently rules the digital sphere, failing to use it will cost you a lot of money. The value of video for a company is so great that ESM Inbound even developed its own video production facility.
  • Photos of the workplace environment, products, and events from the company. All of these contribute to humanizing your brand. Use photos of the highest quality and in accordance with each platform’s recommended size.
  • Share exciting company news, such as openings for new roles or hires, on your social media channels. But be sure to make it your own!
  • Posts on your corporate blog should be shared whenever you can on your social media channels. To reach a larger audience, use employee amplification.
  • Free resources – Who doesn’t enjoy free things? Whether it’s an e-book or an infographic, your audience will appreciate a free resource.

6. Make your social presence as timely as possible

For marketers, being timely is maybe more crucial than ever.

Not only must you consistently release new content, but you must also be available to your fans at all times.

But, you can’t always count on your clients to work on your schedule. When you have limited resources or work in a small team, being timely might be difficult.

Let’s look at some suggestions to make the most of your schedule and social media time.

  • Post at the most engaging moments

When is your company accessible to connect and communicate with customers?

You could get suggestions for posting in the late evening, for instance. But why publish at the “recommended” hour if your staff isn’t available to communicate?

Instead, make an effort to make sure your community or social media managers are prepared to respond to any questions you might have about the products you tweet about or post about. Review the ideal times for posting on social media. However, engaging after publishing is also important.

This brings us to our next point.

  • Quickly respond to inquiries and shouts from your customers.

Your clients want prompt replies. In fact, 47% of respondents think that a top-tier social media brand is defined by excellent customer service.

These fundamental components of community creation are crucial for your brand. Making ensuring discussions or engagement opportunities aren’t missed requires work.

By being active and engaging with your audience on social media, you can build respect for your business. Because good service spreads quickly, social customer care is crucial for organizations looking to grow their audience awareness.

Businesses shouldn’t leave clients hanging, whether it’s through taking advantage of a complement or answering a question. In accordance with our study, social media is the most popular platform for consumers to share their opinions and ask or report a problem with a service. Did you know, however, that the majority of consumers think businesses have to reply to social media posts within four hours?

Whether you have a staff of one or 100, assigning teams to particular response responsibilities may help your staff function like a well-oiled social media team.

Organic content has a harder time reaching the bulk of your audience as social media algorithms change. You don’t want to lose out on moving more people through your marketing funnel by ignoring those who do interact.

7. Invest in social media management tools

Most companies eventually have to decide whether to spend money on social media management tools. Usually, this happens once people have joined a few networks and are starting to feel overburdened by the difficulty of managing them.

You’ll find it much simpler to keep track of all your discussions if you use a social media management tool. Your task is already made easier by the fact that all of your data is in one location. Some applications also let you search for conversations by keyword, which might give you the impression that you have superhuman social media skills.

When it comes to maintaining numerous social media accounts, investing in a solid social media marketing tool is essential.

With the appropriate tools, like HubSpot, you can improve your social media planning, schedule posts in advance, keep track of social mentions so you never miss out on interactions, and analyze your results to start understanding what your audience is interested in.

Last but not least, you might decide to employ a real-time social media management service like Hootsuite or Sendible that enables you to monitor keywords.

8. Evaluate your results and optimize

evaluate results

If you want to succeed on social media, this is perhaps the most important step. Unfortunately, you can’t always get it perfect the first time, and even the best social media marketers use trial and error.

Once you’ve begun monitoring your progress and analyzing the data, utilize it to reevaluate your approach. You can test various posts, campaigns, and techniques and determine what works and what doesn’t by periodically re-evaluating your data.

With these suggestions, you can give your social campaigns a solid basis from the start. A successful social media strategy is a continuous work in progress and should alter with evolving trends.

Find your best-performing content, figure out what makes it work, and utilize that information to make your upcoming efforts better.

Bottom line

Trends that are up and current should be the main emphasis of your social media marketing strategy. Businesses must remain current and committed to their social media marketing. All decisions should be supported by facts, and adjustments should be made as necessary. After you’ve examined the data, you must produce worthwhile content to keep in touch with your audience while attracting new ones. The best outcomes from your social media efforts will come from following the instructions.

Your plan of attack is your social media strategy. However, in an environment like social media, which literally changes by the day, with newsfeed algorithm tweaks and viewers continuously looking for something new, you must remain adaptable and remember to have your finger on the pulse of the platform in order to always develop.

Above all, keep three things in mind: be honest, look for opportunities to add value, and when in doubt, guess, test, measure, and learn.

Now you know why social media is an integral part of any modern marketing mix!

So, what are you waiting for?

Start working on your strategy today, study your competitors, and differentiate your brand from the others like a boss.


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Kekeli Gafatsi
Kekeli Gafatsi

Hey, Kekeli here. I’m a Financial Freedom Evangelist. I believe digital entrepreneurship is one of the easiest tools to achieve true freedom. I create content on helpful digital tools and services. I'm also the co-founder of Gadget Sharks.

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