About Us

Who is kekeli?

Kekeli here. I’m a Financial Freedom Evangelist.
I believe digital entrepreneurship is one of the easiest tools to achieve true freedom.
I believe financial freedom is possible for everyone, regardless of one’s race or geographical location.

It only takes interest, willingness to learn and the desire to succeed to achieve anything worthwhile including financial.

Do you like to create an automated system that can make you money for the rest of your life?
At kekeligafatsi.com, we believe in financial freedom through automation. We believe digital entrepreneurship is one of the easiest tools to achieve true freedom. We believe financial freedom is possible for everyone, regardless of race or geographical location. The internet is a rough crazy sea that can be very daunting without the help of a mentor. We are specialized in building affiliate websites that can start making you money in a matter of months.

Our Team

Kekeli Gafatsi

Developer and copy writer

Mimi Gafatsi

Mimi Gafatsi

Researcher & content writer
